Data page

This page is used to:

  • Provide data for a chart;
  • Bind a chart or individual series to a data source;
  • Customize an argument and a value scale type;
  • Customize the view type of auto-generated series;
  • Apply data filtering and sorting;
  • Adjust the pivot grid settings.

You can provide data for a chart using the following tabs:

  • Points tab
  • Series Binding tab
  • Auto-created Series tab

Points tab

Use this to manually enter data points for series.

Points tab

Note that valid Argument and Value entries must correspond to the Argument scale type and the Value scale type selected for the appropriate series on the Series Page. Otherwise, an error message will be displayed.

Series Binding tab

Use this to provide specific data-binding options for each series.

Series Binding tab

Auto-created Series tab

Use this to specify data columns used to generate series, as well as the series view type and other options like sorting, filtering and name template.

Auto-created Series tab

For familiar data sources (such as pivot grids), you can choose to automatically adjust the binding and layout settings of your chart.

When you set a pivot grid as a chart's data source, the Pivot Grid Datasource tab becomes available:

Set a pivot grid as a chart's data source

On this tab you can adjust various pivot grid options.

Pivot Grid Data Source tab